Thursday, May 12, 2011

Buddy The Boxer

© rebecca collins /

© rebecca collins /

This is Buddy. He is one of about 3 projects I am going to try to get proofed by tomorrow. I love this guy. His owner said he always looked a little sad, but he was a real clown and a very happy boy. The original photo here was pretty good with some nice detail. When I carved away the  body to focus on just Buddy's head and face it became very clear that one ear was hidden. I borrowed his ear to our right and copied it, flipped it and warped it into place.  Photoshop cs5 has a new tool called "puppet warp" and it is amazing and allows me to do some pretty cool stuff when it comes to perking up ears.  I always say that ears are so important when reading a pup's mood, and I like them to show well in the pet portraits I do.  Stay tuned for more artwork samples on the blog soon.


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