Thursday, February 24, 2011
So what do you do when you need to rework your website, order new business cards, order new postcards, do your taxes, redesign your entire business model and clean out your fine art studio? The only possible solution I can come up with is a working vacation. Most of you would laugh and say well, where is the vacation part? The vacation part is in the area of commissions. I will be taking orders in March and placing folks on the calendar for proofing in late April, however I will not be working on commissions in March. I just have to take a break from portraits in order to work on some business stuff.
Here is my small list of goals for March:
• Rework the photo help pages on the website.
I am soooo tired of working from low resolution images taken straight off of facebook. I just can not do it any longer.
• Rework prices.
Most of my prices will be going up, however I will offer deep discounts and incentives for folks that can give me high resolution quality images to work from. It has been a few years since my prices have changed and I am not keeping up with material cost increases. I really have to look at this.
• Order Print marketing materials.
Need new biz cards, brochures, and more.
• Taxes ....arrrg.
• Clean out Mosaic studio and start some new personal projects. (yay)
• Bento Data base: Will work with Lola to get everyone added to a mailing list
• Newsletter: Get back to sending out newsletters, at least quarterly.
• Try out some new printing media.
Large companies have accounting departments, marketing departments and even research and development teams. I have to wear a lot of hats around here and in March I will be sporting my business bonnet, full of lovely flowers and exciting challenges. I do not hate the business parts of business, I just never have time for it .... going to change that for one month!
Existing clients should know that I will be finalizing all of Feb.'s projects before I take my business break.